cornfedboy ?

I read your post in regards to the boulder 1012. Please share with us your new purchase.
my spouse, who needs a new dog-hauler, has asked whether there might be someone out there putting aftermarket bi-turbos on bmw 540i wagons who would like a truly glowing review. we'd throw in a review of the upgraded sound system as well. -kelly
Conrnfed; it seems that Dekay is jealous about your sole billing in a thread. Please ask your spouse to throw him one of your dog bones. Hey, we could have serious whining on our hands-- bad time to be out of cheese too, but then cheese probably causes decay. What kind of dekays do you expect to use with that Boulder piece? ;>) Cheers. Craig
Heh cornfed I am sure I can install bi-turbos on a 540i, have you looked into it yet?(damn it I don't have anything to bribe you with) Would you prefer Hartge, MVR, AC Schnitzer, or perhaps something custom heh heh heh no the blood is flowing. I have put NO2 on a 540i sedan not too long ago and it is a rocket, do you have the sport package(equiped with a 6 speed of course)? if you don't have the sport package you would be better of with an S4 wagon with factory bi-turbos and just do a stage 3 or 4 upgrade. Well I am going to get a degree in enginering so I can build the next best thing in audio so I can spend a week of my time installing turbos in exchange for a terific review, I'll be in touch with you.....but not too soon. Best wishes and Don't drive angry :-) Tim
I did not know there were so many cornfed boy,s out there.
I was curious about the 1012 and wow all this
Chris, I would be more than happy to try one of your new power cords. Don't expect a positive review though unless you send a big check along with it as well as deep discounts on future products and long term advertising. Thanks, Doug