ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.
Despite his colorful English, if you listen to Rock music, I will have to agree with Redtop. It is difficult to beat a Shure V15 III for Rock music at any price, especially on a SME 3009 series 2 arm. But I don't know where you can find a new stylus for it so it is a moot point now.
Redtop, I now see your problem. You have been listening to "ZXY" cartridges and comparing them to the Shure V15. Everyone knows that those ZXY products are not so good. Here we are talking about the ZYX product line, any of which should blow away a V15 on any kind of music, as long as the associated electronics are capable of dealing with the lower voltage signal from a ZYX. I'm joshing with you, of course, but herein may lie the reason why "this guy" and/or your brother have gotten the impression that the Shure is better. The ZYX low output moving coil cartridges deserve high quality phono electronics and excelent speakers in order to realize their potential. If we knew the preamp, amp and speakers that were used in that comparison, it might tell the tale.
Redtop might be referring to me, I run a VPI, and have a Denon Table as well.

Well, doing a comparo, my mint 35 year old Shure V-15 III with Jico SAS kicked the pants off of my Benz Ruby 3, and Airy 3, and will give Doug Deacon's ZYX UNIverse a "real run for the money"!

It will outrack any Cartridge on the planet, and since I'm such a nice guy, I "might" let this oustanding Shure go, as a special today, just for you A'goners for the steal price of $4,000. You don't want to pass this "once in a lifetime opportunity" up! I'll even throw in another 35 year warrantee to boot! Mark
well I have had two versions of the ZYX Yatra 100 just below the Fuji100. I have used both with the Jolida JD-9. the lower output was more subtle and the treble was lighter airier, is that even a word? I did like the higher output version for the extra punch, loved the clean bass response. I know Raul would say I was poking smot, but I beleive the Zyx to be a great line.My Ondekoza records were stunning. In comparison to a Shelter 901 which I have heard in my system, I liked the Yatra better. For one thing especially, the true stereo sound. It was noticeably different, better imaging. the Zyx seem to minimize surface noise too, what a plus. I have bought two carts from Mehran and concur with everything that's been said about him, excellent customer service.