Phono Cable Suggestions?

Hello all:

I'm in need of a phono cable (DIN to RCA's with ground cable) as my Bolder Nitro bit the dust for the second time and I'm tired of messing with it.

Any suggestions on a quality cable with good build quality>


For those that might be interested:

I purchased the Furutech phono cable after listening to both in my system.

My reasons were 1) both were excellent performers with no difference that I could hear between the two and 2) the Furutech was +/- $100.00 less.

Both are clean, clear, and add no coloring to the signal.

Best regards,

Dear Dave: Good for you, congratulations!.

The neutrality in any cable is a must to looking for/have.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hello Raul:

Thank you for your earlier suggestions and your congratulations.

I spent the weekend listening to my TT with the Furutech phono cable, and I am pleased with my choice. I really expected the Analysis Plus model to "win out" because I use a number of their power, interconnect and speaker cables, and I have always found them to be neutral and revealing. But I honestly could not hear a difference between the two.

Best regards,

How would a Venustas - Purist Audio Cable compare with those suggested?

Would it be considered neutral, or does it flavor the signal?

Hi, I used to own a Venustas. It's ever so slightly sweet side of nuetral compared to some other top flight cables. It is a wondeful cable one of the very best there is-period. Purist has 2 or 3 more higher up in their line, I upgraded to a Purist Proteus Provectus over the summer, it is a tad warmer than the Venustas, but quieter, more detailed, less distortion, better clartiy.

The Purist Venustas does so many things just so right imo...