Phono Cable Suggestions?

Hello all:

I'm in need of a phono cable (DIN to RCA's with ground cable) as my Bolder Nitro bit the dust for the second time and I'm tired of messing with it.

Any suggestions on a quality cable with good build quality>


I thoroughly second Raul's choice. I have Analysis Plus silver/copper f rom tonearm to preamp, and Harmonic Tech Pro Silway 3 IC's (balanced) from preamp to amp. Very neutral and let the signal pass through mostly undisturbed( can any wire truly NOT be adding something in the chain?). My speaker cables are Ananlysis Plus Oval 9 (all copper). Ive tried many brands and these satisfy me without having to spend stupid amounts of moolah.--Mrmitch
For those that might be interested:

I purchased the Furutech phono cable after listening to both in my system.

My reasons were 1) both were excellent performers with no difference that I could hear between the two and 2) the Furutech was +/- $100.00 less.

Both are clean, clear, and add no coloring to the signal.

Best regards,

Dear Dave: Good for you, congratulations!.

The neutrality in any cable is a must to looking for/have.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Hello Raul:

Thank you for your earlier suggestions and your congratulations.

I spent the weekend listening to my TT with the Furutech phono cable, and I am pleased with my choice. I really expected the Analysis Plus model to "win out" because I use a number of their power, interconnect and speaker cables, and I have always found them to be neutral and revealing. But I honestly could not hear a difference between the two.

Best regards,

How would a Venustas - Purist Audio Cable compare with those suggested?

Would it be considered neutral, or does it flavor the signal?
