best support shelf/isolation device for a rega p9?

I have a p9 and it is in a softwood (cedar and pine) cabinet. I am looking for suggestions as to what others have tried for support and isolation. I've heard heavy granite may be worse than an ikea honeycomb lack shelf, I've heard aurios may work well on a maple cutting board, I've heard nueance shelves may be excellent. I have heard that sorbothane is not good. As you can see, I have heard ABOUT many things, but have not been able to try them yet. Would love to maximize the potential of the table.
I can't mount it on a wall shelf.
All advice welcome.
I have a P-9. At the suggestion of my dealer, I removed the stock Rega feet and use Walker large cones/pucks. These sit on a 1/2 thick slab of solid steel plate with a soundcoated paint. this sits on the top shelf of my Solid Steel 5.4 rack. Rack's bottom points rest in brass receptors. I have had no problems with any kind of resonances/feedback.
I am told that the BEST way to isolate the Rega is to place it on the Rega wall shelf and mount that on the wall.
Maple blocks do work. I have my Scoutmaster on a 4" thick one siting on large Mapleshade cones. I have just heard the Star Sound cones and they work even better. I bought my block from Michigan Maple Block . It is very large and cost me $96 + $25 shipping. Timber Nation makes some that may be better, I have a smaller one of theirs. They are a very cost effective solution and look good also. Timber Nation has optional cone feet which are good but not as good as Star Sound , Mapleshade or other high quality cones.
I recently traded my P7 for a P9 and am using the isolation table I had for my P7 - an Adona isolation table of Vibrapod/Vibracone feet.

I recently purchased and set up a P3-24, a few steps down from the P9. As such, I also looked for a value method to level and isolate the table. I have the table sitting on a open frame cabinet I built many years ago so needed way to level and isolate the TT for best performance.

After searching posts on the site regarding leveling and isolation, stole a couple of ideas and set up in the following way.

To level the table, I added a 14X18X1-1/2" thick cutting board with Soundcare isolation/levling feet installed. The Soundcare are integrated isolation points and flat surface protectors in one. The cutting board is the exact footprint size of the P3. Searched ebay to find a 14X18 cutting board. Was hoping for 2" thick, but 1-1/2 was thickest I could find. The Soundcare were a suggestion from this site and bought online from a company called Taylor. Ordering/delivery was quick and painless.

To further isolate the table, on top of cutting board I have 2 $15 keyboard gel type wrist restpads purchased at Staples with a $5 18X18 marble tile (didn't find granite the day I was at Home Depot). The gel pads are also 18" long. The turntable sits on top of the tile. The gelpad suggestion was also one found on this site. Works great.

I tried a variation of reversing the leveling table (cutting board) and isolation (tile and gel wrist pads) but the bass sounded tightest and overall soundstage much better with the Rega sitting on the wrist pad/tile combination. Might sound even better with a thicker granite top, but the tile set up sounds darn good. There is a kitchen remodelling store where I can likely get a sink cutout cut down to 14X18, but haven't had time to do that yet.

I've been enjoying the heck out of all the 30+ year old albums I babied through college have mostly been in storage in a spare bedroom until I replaced my old turntable with the Rega. In the short time I've had the table, have had it set up with and without the isolation. The sound is greatly improved by the gel pad/tile combo. The cutting board seemed to do less for the sound, but was needed to level as the P3 doesn't have any leveling capability.

Anyway, a low cost, not as bad looking as it sounds do it yourself isolation/leveling set up generated from ideas found on this site…. and for me worked great. About $50-60 for the feet, $25 for the cutting board, $30 for two gel pads, $5 for the tile. Had to drill and insert 1/4 thread adaptors in the cutting board for the Soundcare feet. About $120 total...

Thanks to those uncredited for the ideas I borrowed if you read this….