One advantage of clamps not mentioned, is that all of us do not possess a Record collection with all absolutely flat examples. Thinking back 20-30 years ago to my "clampless days", and watching a tonearm "bob' up, and down like a roller coaster surely didn't do much for visual impact, and certainly didn't benefit the sound sonically.
The clamp will lessen dishing, or minor warpage. The problem I see with threadless clamps, is not allowing adjustability in clamping force, making it then a "one clamp works for all", but this usually doesn't work out optimally, and for sure, heavier won't necessarily be better in this regard.
I would asume from a mechanical standpoint, and no soubt a sonic one as well, the lessening of Tonearm-Stylus deviation in the vertical plane (if is this the correct term?), and the flatter the record face is (lessening dishing-cupping of surface) has to be an advantage, for both Stylus-Cantilever, and the LP Groove as well. Mark