Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
I have tested four different versions together with Rainer Gläss during the market entry phase. I wasn´t convinced from the beginning. Now he has a chip programmed which is superior to the first ones. This machine is now a killer application. It doesn`t look like that from the outside but it is really one of the best ways to clean your records - and it is the most easy way to do so.
Loricraft is the best IMHO. Many audio/record/LP preservation societies use these machines. They are not as loud as most others.
Loricraft is good but the Source Odyssey is even better regarding silence and handling for on the spot cleaning. But on both machines you have to monitor the cleaning and reverse the side of the record. My Clearaudio Double Matrix is very loud and I do use it only when I am short of time. The Vinyl Cleaner runs the disc through an ultrasonic bath and drys without taking care through the cleaning process. That leads to a very good result and is easy to operate.

If you have tried it you will use the Loricraft very seldom
Probably it is helpful go write some information about RCM's in general.
The most famous and (and the most expensive by far ) was the Point nozzle from Keith Monks (Monks RCM..some sizes...some modifications).
He made a superior Design 30 years ago and it is still unsurpassed (from the idea and the way it works).

That one was the only one which was used in Studios, Record libraries and Radio stations all over the world. Reason was (or is):
-superior cleaning Result
-very, very silent compared to others
-it is a workhorse, nothing gets hot or breaks
-the cleaning result is identical good from the №1 record in the morning
to the № 400 in the evening

(Problem: the Price, is was very hard to sell with the Mark Ups which are used in High end ---> Copies started)

Monks got older, his RCM was still expensive and the first copies were made.
Loricraft is based on the Monks System (Point nozzle), it is a good machine based on a competitive pricing
Source Odyssey is made from the former Monks Importer in Germany (Keith Monks passed away some years ago), same System but with the "Made In Germany" Parts Standard and Function. The overkill :-)
Monks jun. is back in Production and the Keith Monks from GB is available again.

Then you have those RCM's from VPI, Hannl, Clearaudio etc.
They clean in a different way, they are very fast, but the noise is something special and the cleaning result can't reach a Point nozzle (simple Physics)

And Ultra Sonic cleaning like Glass Audio is offering

Good as they are (better than not cleaning records) we start - unfortunately - in a new Vinyl Era:
Noisy vinyl, or damages in the grooves from factory.
Unfortunately, when you have such records, nothing will help.

All those units are made to remove something which came into the grooves AFTER the record was in use, but they can't repair them.
In case one is looking for his first Vinyl Cleaning Machine with allround capabilities and a very good cleaning result the Gläss machine is a good option. It produces some noise but not as loud or noisy than the VPI, Hannl or Clearaudio. On the other hand you do not have to monitor the cleaning process, you drop by and pick up the clean record whenever you like - very comfortable also in comparison to the point nozzle machines.