Do I need a record cleaning machine

I only buy new vinyl. It seems like buying a record cleaning machine would be a waste of money. What do you think?
New vinyl needs to be wet-vacuumed cleaned especially to remove any mold-release agents. Your record cleaning fluids should address that problem also. It does make a difference. also many times sealed records have some dust/dirt on them although audiophile labels seem to be cleaning right out of the bag.
I tend to agree, but am too lazy to clean new records. If yoy buy second hand, it is a must. cartridges are'nt cheap these cdays and will last lnger with clean records. They need'nt be that expensive, particularly second hand
Consider a steam cleaner ( $50 ) ..You can do a great job with one without scrubbing...Save your money,they do work great............
It is imperative that new albums get a good wet cleaning and vacuum dry before a stylus ever meets the grooves. I recommend a good three step process like Audio Intelligent or Walker products. Those enzymatic agents work miracles.