VPI Scout- motor pops in speakers when turned off

I just recently purchased a VPI Scout. Whenever I turn the motor off to change records, a loud pop comes through the speakers. I called VPI about this, and was told that it is "system dependent" and not something to worry about. I was told just to turn the volume down before turning it off, which doesn't really satisfy me as a legit answer. I have read on the forums on Audio Asylum that I am not alone with this issue. Is VPI's response just side stepping the issue? Is it really something to worry about? I found it sort of a lame response.
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If the solution is as inexpensive as Ralph suggests (and he's usually spot on) and if the problem is pervasive and not isolated, perhaps VPI should authorize their dealers to make the modification reimbursing them accordingly.

Jea48 That info came directly from Harry at VPI during a phone call to him sometime ago. I did exactly what he said to do and that solved the problem, Took about 40 minutes of time from start to finsih. Most of that in dissasemby and reassemble the turntable. The part was .75 cents.

This is not problematic with all systems, in mine it was and a phone call to Harry solved the problem.

By the way VPI now aswers the phone Tuesday through Thursday.

If you can follow instructions have some knowledge of a soldering iron and have the cap that atamsphere has listed in this thread your set. Also RS sells this cap as well, so you don't need to outsource the part from some esoteric parts catalog.
Wow. This is not where I intended the thread to go.

I will state for the record that they were very nice and courteous when I talked to them on the phone (I didn't get the gentleman's name).

Here is a link to a thread from 2003 on Audio Asylum in which the poster with this very issue claimed that VPI actually offered to swap out the capacitor. That one reason why I was not satisfied with their answer. This, if true, would seem to me to illustrate that it is a known issue that could have been corrected by now.

I agree this problem should have been rectified long ago, makes VPI look rather amateurish. I also think they should rectify the belt screeching problem. I also have an issue with their 10.5i arm upgrade to the Scoutmaster tt. I recieved mine with no template, you would think they would offer a template if they offer the arm upgrade to end users. They should either supply a template or make it a dealer only option. I can imagine a lot of amateurs screwing up the installation of this arm.

Good sounding equipment is not enough, service is just as important.