I'll kick the dead horse just one more time...... Applebook makes some good points. And I am one of those who have yet to hear (in my system) CD's or Sacd's match vinyl for realism, immediacy, transparency, and so on. OTOH my digital front end isn't exactly state of the art (sacdmods dv555es).
None of this means I hate digital, or am a snob, or consider myself more intelligent than the next man.... It just means that I prefer vinyl to digital.
It's an opinion, and I don't need statistics, data, or any other hogwash to back it up. However, I'm warning you, I will be back when I get my Modwright Platimun truth!!! (I've heard waaaaaay too much good stuff about this unit)!
peace, love, and damned good music, Harv.