Audio Desk Record Cleaner

Does anyone have info or experience with their new Ultrasonic Vinyl Cleaning System. I believe it retails for $3500. Don
Cleaned over 100 records the first 24 hours of owning mine. Two friends are going to get one after listening and a/b,ing some bad records. Even new vinyl sounds better. I have only had to use more than the lowest cleaning amount on three records. There is no way i could go back to my VPI 17F after using this. Even If it didnt perform better than my VPI I still think its worth it because its just so darn easy.
I had an early model unit that had some issues but recently got a new production replacement unit. The new unit runs much smoother and quieter than the early model I had. Obviously some improvements have been made. I have cleaned about 50 records on this one so far and it is such a pleasure to use. Really adds to the analog enjoyment when you don't have to commit several hours to cleaning records.
To all the above posters.
Do you use the supplied cleaning fluid or something else ??
Supplied cleaning fluid with distilled water. Have also used reagent grade water.
Supplied fluid, it would be difficult to use something else as the ultrasonic bubbles would likely cause severe foaming in most cases.