VPI super mini feet under VPI Scout ??

I decided to purchase the Super Mini Feet to try under the Scout. I had to put a platform under the power supply to raise it up (mini feet are not that mini)and the power cord makes the motor sit at a funny angle now. My custom dust cover clears the feet no problem.

This may have been money poorly spent as I don't notice any discernible difference over the stock cones. Perhaps the Scout does not have enough mass to properly load the mini feet?

The TT is level and sitting on a rigid platform. Set-up is Scout/JMW 9/Linn Adikt cart, Simaudio LP 5.3. TT was set-up by a knowledgeable vinyl head so I don't think that's an issue.

Has anyone out there tried this? I'm thinking I should have just upgraded my cartridge to a Shelter 501 instead. Thoughts?

Hmmmmm.... I have some Star Sound points. Do you need cups for those? Or, can you just use them bare, pointing into the rack surface?

The ones that screw into the table replacing the VPI feet are the 1.5 1/4-20 thread ones. I suppose that you could use the unthreaded ones if they are the right height. You can use them either way but I have found that their cups improve the sound. In fact, their cups do a good job under standard VPI feet. At about $35 for 4 + shipping I think they are a worthwhile improvement , I use them under mine. I liked their products so well that I became a dealer for them, use their rack also. Their prices aren't cheap but they are not outrageous and they work just as they say they do. I don't mean to imply that there aren't other good products out there, these are the ones I am familiar with.
Waste of money. Might try the Racing Pucks, as I did, and they provided a noticeable difference. I also use the puck under the motor, so all is level.
How do you know it is a waste of money, have you tried it or do you possess psychic powers? The prevalence of posts by members who have never heard what they are commenting on suggests that many do.
What type of improvements were you looking for? The stock VPI scout feet are not bad or broken to begin with...

I wouldn't suggest a Shelter cartridge for a VPI. Benz, Dynavector and Ortofon are all better matches for the JMW arm for compliance reasons.