Zyx Universe Break In


I recently took delivery of the much praised Zyx Universe cartridge. After installing on my Breuer tone arm, the listening begins. Although I've noticed alot of detail and good lower frequency response, the highs are somewhat sibilant and bright. I'm wondering if this is typical of this cartridge during the break-in period or do I need to adjust VTF or VTA? Additionally, what is the average time or album sides to tame this cartridge? It appears to have lots of potential, just sounding a bit unnatural at this point.
Hi folks:

Grate advice here! I'm tracking at 2.0 and will leave it for sometime while breaking in over several hours. Once I'm satisfied with the number of hours I'll make some minor VTA adjustments. I'm coming from the Koetsu Urushi world where the cartridge is layed back at any installation specs.
Probably after what has been written, you might be saying to yourself, "Oh man, maybe I made a mistake buying this Cartridge, if this Cartridge is that particular, and picky about set up"?

While I don't own this particular Cartridge, I'd probably be safe to assume, and say, that like many other top quality world class MC Cartridges out there, time must be given for break in, the better the Toneamm, the better it will be able to showcase such a fine Cartridge.

And of course critical attention paid to proper set up, compatibility down the line of Phono Stage, and it's settings.

But, I don't believe any of these Cartridges from ZYX entry level, to the UNIverse, and beyond, are so tempermental-touchy, that one absolutely has to fiddle with both VTA, and VTF on a per record basis, otherwise the sound will be so totally flawed to be unlistenable.

By saying this, Doug D certainly isn't overdoing it, or has any afflictions of any sort, that he feels that things could be better, etc, by doing this-doing that by tweaking-adjusting. As for 99% of the rest of us, the UNI, can probably be set up, left alone once correct, and things will sing quite nicely, without the need of fussing with it every other day, or multiple times per listening session.

If a Cartidge was that fussy, this is certainly not an advantage, or a good quality, and I think Doug will agree, the UNiverse doesn't realy require such fanatisism, unless you're looking to squeeze the very last bit of performance. When it gets to that level, there are no doubt other issues within the system falling far short, than the UNI not being able to handle the music thrown at it.

Still, there's good advice in periodically checking things.

I know Doug doesn't stop in here as often as he has in the past, but may chime in, offer experiences, and doubtful there's anyone here who can contribute more to what the UNI is, and what it can do.

I'm sure Doug, and the rest would agree, that extension at both ends of the frequency spectrum will become better. Deeper, lower, tighter, cleaner bass response, and the high frequency will become better, smoother, clearer, and that the sibilance issues, rawness will wane-subside with time.

That slightly mechanical sound I noted on my Airy 3X is going away, the sound is becoming more organic, and analog sounding, smoother, and as others have mentioned, the sound becomes better, and better as hours of break in accumilate.

My own Cartridge seems to be Cartridge that doesn't lie, or sweeten-hype less than stellar recordings, it's like a reference studio monitor speaker, yet I notice many records I've owned, and played over the years do seem more listenable with the Airy 3X, and this is no doubt due to the Micro-Line Stylus doing its thing, reaching deeper into the groove, which no Cartridge before, has touched, Mark
I owned a ZYX Universe and had the exact same comments as you. The ZYX was ringy w. poor bass. It had a fairly high resonant frequency and loading it with mass helped a lot but took some of the dynamic life away. The cartridges vary between samples a little as far as compliance is concerned. You might have a lower one. Once I ordered the Brass mounting plate for my Schroder it finally shined. But if the VTF was a tiny bit too low (1.95 vs. 2.00 for example) it would be ringy. After break in it was better, but for me never perfect. Then again, I had tried an earlier sample from a friend and it was incredible. It truly lived up to the reputation. So then I ordered my own. But it wasn't as good. I would first try changing arms or adding some VTF. Good luck.
do vta on every record, it makes a difference

I'm breaking in a new zyx also (after a suspension problem) - 70 hours now and glorious
focused at 20 hours

buy the mint protractor - you will know that you are set up correctly and get great sonic benefits
when mine was off I could hear high freq shriller tone
pretty resolving right out of the box
congratulations being in the zyx universe family. what I have come up with is to mark time for breakin by using the line method. 40 minutes per line for approximnt lp play time. I now have over 300 hrs on my 2nd universe. I use a wally tracker unv. for setup. get this right and you are on you're way. as mentioned the stylus is very small and as I found out the hard way it will easily brake off please use care with setup and lp playing. getting to light with vtf will cause a loss of dynamics. at this time I don't need to track below 1.96. using triplaner that .96 has a fair amount of adjustment with vtf fine tuning. small movements and time listening are needed as you can miss the right spot by making to large a move. you can go to extremes to squeeze out performance cause universe has extreme sound. the only way though is to spend the time needed. after a lot of time playing with universe I now set vta by lp thickness only. I have setting for each with good results. you can spend the time but when you're in that mode you can't relax and listen to your favorite music its up and down. take some time out for musical satisfaction while you're seeking that magical spot for vtf/vta. enjoy