Zyx Universe Break In


I recently took delivery of the much praised Zyx Universe cartridge. After installing on my Breuer tone arm, the listening begins. Although I've noticed alot of detail and good lower frequency response, the highs are somewhat sibilant and bright. I'm wondering if this is typical of this cartridge during the break-in period or do I need to adjust VTF or VTA? Additionally, what is the average time or album sides to tame this cartridge? It appears to have lots of potential, just sounding a bit unnatural at this point.
Has anyone broken in a cartridge playing in the lead out groove? An experienced turntable manufacturer suggested breaking a cartridge in this way. I played mine in the lead out groove for a couple of days and that got me off to a great start with break in.

Using the lead out groove for break in sounds interesting very plausible. Break in time of 75 or 100 hours is plenty of albums. Far more arduous than putting 100 hours on a preamp or cd player. I'm interested to know if anyone else has any comments on using the leadout groove for the intended purpose? All the advice is fantastic. As I said in my first post, this cartridge has more potential than anything else I've listened to with the notable exception of the sizzling highs. I'm going to work at it for a while. I'm now tracking at 2 grams with parallel VTA. We'll adjust the VTA after 50 hours or so of play time. The ultimate is getting those smooth, rich highs happening. I'm sure due diligence will pay off.
The Cardas Sweep record has locked grooves for breakin. I have used them from time to time, but in the past year, prefer to go through the process & just enjoy listening.
break in the cartridge playing music
the zyx sounds pretty good right out of the box
less restrained later

again pay attention to vta and vtf
and set up

a mint protrator will get you that extra precision and reward you with beautiful sound
Of all the cartridges I have ever used, The Universe has the ability to delivery more details and "air" far better than anything else. What are the rest of your equipment ?
The Universe is very revealing, possibley bringing out the weakness of other things in the chain ? I have used the univervse with 6 different phono stages, but I was able to fine tune it so that the apparently sibilence and brightness will disappear.

I have no problems with the Universe whatsoever, and still think its one of the best cartridges out there.