Finger Prints on Records

I was wondering if anyone is using a record cleaning fluid that literally remove finger prints from their records after cleaning them. I have tried several fluids such as Disc Washer, Audio Intelligent (Super cleaner and Enzyme formula), and my own home brewed stuff. But non of them remove the finger prints from the record. If anyone is successful in removing those ugly finger prints please let me know what you are using.
My experience hasn't shown that the oil from a fingerprint would cause permanent damage to a record.

for stubborn fingerprints I use 50/50 of non-ammonia glass cleanser/distilled water brushed into the record followed by a steam rinse with a Perfection steamer. Follow this with a steam cleaning as per the steam cleaning thread.

Your record will now be free of fingerprints and sound like new.
A very weak/dilute (few drops) concentration of Shaklee Basic H in distilled water.
I had a terrible issue where all my records got wet and the covers were fused together by mold. After lots of trial an error the thing that worked for me and worked perfectly was glass cleaner (non amonia as noted above). Glass Plus or something similar I believe. It took everything off including the fingerprints and left the albums spotless as they have never been before. Absolutly worked like a charm. Note; All my albums are from late 60's on up which seem to have a softer vinyl than the old albums from eons ago. So I can't vouch for records from the 20's, 30's etc.
Good luck, John
I buy used records, some dollar bins which can have copius fingerprints.

I am new to this type of cleaning, but luckily I started out with something that works well: Mobile Fidelity Super Deep Cleaner. I use a Mofi Record cleaning brush for applying and lightly wiping - I keep one dedicated for dirty records. Usually 2 or 3 washes (the last with their other cleaner: Super Wash) gives me a fingerprint-less record. I bet someones homebrew version of the cleaner would work just as well.

I also use a manual KAB vacuum cleaning machine to remove the cleaning solution. Works for me.

cheers, ed
I think it's also possible that some of us have more acidic skin oils than others. I worked in a Mercedes Benz dealership many years ago and I noticed that certain customers would have steering wheels that were absolutely worn smooth, all texture was erased from the plastic. Now these were white collar types, not farm workers with dirt and grit on their hands that could do this. This was definitely not a systemic problem with Benz plastic, only happened with a very few individuals. I also have bought electric guitars in the past that had finger prints etched into the chrome plating on bridges and other parts. So some of us just seem to be able to damage things more than others with our skin oils. I wonder if dermatologists have made any note of this or if this is just anecdotal.