best value - record cleaning machine

What are you guys using, I am looking for one.
Dont plan to spend money but need a pro machine to do the job well.
I have my own manual cleaning process I use that produces excellent results for minimal cost, but is time consuming and requires I clean on my main table, which is already 20 years old, while in motion.

I really need to get a good cleaning machine. What's the least expensive machine that does a good job AND is fully automatic and reliable? I would rather spend the time I have listening rather than cleaning by hand.
DIY if you can or KAB EV-1 if you already have a decent vacuum. I think you need a junk turntable for application of fluids with the KAB for best results but we're talking free or next to nothing for that.

You can also integrate steaming into the cleaning process as well for next to nothing after you get going. In the end, as long as you can vacuum the fluid effectively off the record, it's all about technique and quality of fluids.

In that sense there really can be no argument that DIY or the KAB are the best value, although automation will save you some time (but not necessarily give you a cleaner record) and, in the case of the Loricraft or Monks give you a bit more peace and quiet.
My SOTA gets my vinyl super clean. The vac takes all of the cleaning fluids off quite effectively in just three revolutions. Simple machine. Strong motor. Only drawback is that it's loud in the vac mode.
Try to get a 2. Hand VPI 16.5 and with the saved money you can buy some nice ear plugs