How to order Wally Tools...

I'm potentially interested in ordering a wallytractor. I've called the number on his web site several times, but never an answer. I've left two messages, and no one returns my calls. I'm curious as to how one properly places an order. Alternately, I've now seen posts here on the Mint protractor. Is that a worthy alternative? Tks.

So, in the World According To Elizabeth, it's okay for someone to defraud you, if he follows two simple precepts:

a) He's a nice guy

b) He doesn't think you're nice enough

In this weird, parallel universe, all crooks are meanies, and all people who've been ripped off are anti-social miscreants who deserved everything they got.

Interesting 'logic' Elizabeth-I swear, sometimes I wonder if you and Teresa are the same person.
Anyone that holds money hostage should be put in jail. Just get a Mint LP. I never thought I'd buy anything from Hong Kong, but Yip answers emails, and is also helpful. Shipping dates are shown on his website and you receive the tool as promised. It also works very well. Who cares about attitude? When the seller gets your money he should either ship right then or return your money. No BS.
Quite a while back I ordered three "Wally Tractors". The only way I FINALLY got delivery was to ask a good personal friend of mine, and also a personal friend Wally's, to call and ask about my order. I received it a about a week or so later.
Unless you're a personal friend of my personal friend:-) I suggest you look elsewhere for your needs.

The saying goes," If you can't say something good about someone, don't say anything at all." ---------- so much for sayings!

I certainly am curious to know if "Elizabeth" on these posts is in fact, Wally? If not, Elizabeth must be a member of executive management at AIG. Based on her post, I can't think of anyone with more contempt for the general public. BTW, is everyone posting here aware of the fact that Wally actually showed up for a Los Angeles Audio Society meeting a couple of months ago? Now that's a brave man indeed!