Count me among those bewildered by Elizabeth's post. He might be quirky, or even flaky, but if he cashes your check and doesn't send you a product, I call him a thief.
I should say that he has never taken my money. I offered it to him once via e-mail but he never responded.
So how many people have in fact been stiffed by Wally? If there are enough of you out there, band together and call a lawyer. Also, those who have been defrauded should consider an e-mail to Stereophile or Michael Fremer at his Musicangle site. Mr. Fremer pitches Wally's products on his turntable setup video, and probably wouldn't continue to do so on future videos, if he knew of this problem.
Anyway, I also got the mintLP protractor about 4 months ago. Got it in a week. Either Yip has become much busier lately (MacdadTexas 5 week wait), or protractors for some tables take longer. He probably keeps some stock available for my model (VPI Scoutmaster w/JMW-9) since it's a very popular table.