Why is Acustic the best ...

... turntable or one of the best???

I keep reading passionate testimonials about it.

1) But, what is the science behind it?
2) How does the design depart from other very high quality turntables?

Thanks, Jeff
Re-reading my prior post, I can see where it could come off as flippant, which was certainly not the intent.

I was ineptly trying to convey that one of things that makes this hobby interesting is that there are some of us like me who don't understand how all this works while others understand the inner workings of their equipment in great detail. Ultimately we are all music lovers learning from one another.

Back to the Jeff's original question. While I can't tell you the technical reasons that the TW Acustic tables sound good, I would have to say that no small part of the owners' enthusiasm is related to the excellent support that the distributor provides. (The same holds true for my Galibier.) I think this is an important part of the customer experience
Jazdoc, I did not think you were being flippant. Thanks for your input. We just have different values.

I don't get the mystery or resistance that seems to come up about asking how the Acustic is made when by all accounts it enjoys strong testimonials.

Do other goners simple prefer testimonials to understanding design?
Hi all, The 'Black Night' review just appeared in the
German magazine 'LP' (April 09) and Mr. Woschnick himself
destroyed the myth of 'ingredient composition'.I.e. the
copper was 'invented' before ,I assume. He added some kind
of 'special composite' layer to the platter but this part
is negligible qua weight in comparision. The 'drive' is
also a 'strange story' so I think the question about 'the
best TT' should be substituted for 'the most expensive' one. The advantage:'piece of cake' to answer.The review was,of course,'fantastic'(one don't expect
othewise) but if one reads 'between the lines'...
BTW the price in Europa: 29.000 Euro.
We are happy to have Raul on 'our side' and I certainly
love this guy.

Well said Raul. There are so many great turntables out there so prove the Black Knight is the best. Praise should been earned not just PR buzz generated.
The question assumed it is among the best. The question is not "is it the best". The question is about how it's made.

I had a good chat with Jeff at Highwater Sound and he was quite informative and pointed me to some reviews. Thanks all. Jeff