Koetsu vs Dynavector vs Lyra??

I am starting my search to replace my 8 year old Koetsu Rosewood Signature. I was told that a the Onyx is the most logical choice because I do like the Koetsu sound. However, if there is something out there that can give me a bit more punch and 3d imaging, while maintaining that warm Koetsu sound, I would be interested. I have read and heard good things about the Lyra Titan and Dynavector XV-1S but never heard either. This cartridge will mount on a Basis 2800 with Vector 4 Arm.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Let me just a little something... I have a Lyra manufactured AudioQuest 7000Fe5 (that sounds and stages more like the Titan than the Helikon or Argo-i...) and a Grado .5mv Statement Reference (often reffered as "Koetsu - like")... On A Basis 2001 Vector TT (wally tools used, Baerwald aligment) . The Grado when set up at almost no antiskate, and tracking at 1.5g and not a hair more(as more VTF slows the Grado down and looses air and hall info), gives me all the hall info of the Lyra made 7000Fe5, but more of the "Mid range" magic than the Fe5. Both have similar "Punch", staging, layering... Now the Lyra has better PRaT, but the Vector/Basis allows the Grado to almost catch up PRaT wise... But the Grado is definitely the Vocal champ here. They both track everything thrown at them too... The Lyra can sound more detailed at times, but that detail is there with the Grado, just more "rounded" players in the stage versus the dryer Lyra. The Grado is more "lit from within" the Lyra more "lit from above"...

Now, I assume you are more in the Grado Statement Statement $$$ area, with the Titan and XV-1s... so not having heard the Grado Statementx2, I cannot say if it is more equal or not to the Titan/XV-1s as top offerings... The Grado Statment Reference .5mv I have being a small step down from the best there... just as enjoyable for me, but a step dwon from the Titan-i. But If you are more a Koetsu man, than Lyra, the Grado Statementx2 might be a winner. The Grado .5mv Reference here has that full midbass, vocals to die for, in the room players with seperation - with great back corner stage info... similar stage layering with the Grado having a slightly taller stage, similar width and depth... Just not the hall info of the Titan, or the macro dynamics, or PRaT; the Titan-I is more "you are there" the Grado is more "They are here"... The Grado lets me hear the music more, the Titan more the recording....

I have had a Titan-i here for a week, its just that the 7000Fe5 is damn close... I still prefer the AQ to the Helikon and Argoi, so when/if my 7000 finally dies, the Titan-i will be its replacement. I have to have both "night" and "day" as another post calls it. Thus the Grado and Lyra both are used by me here... If your Koetsu still has life left, maybe go Lyra, and switch back every so often for a change up... I like them both! WEt and Dry, night and day...
I'd love to hear what you're hearing....sounds fun!
That's one iritant for me with these forums, it's like reading about food without getting to eat it.
If you like the Koetsu Rosewood sound, another Koetsu would be the safest bet. The Onyx Platinum I've heard, though is not nearly as warm sounding as a Rosewood, so there is a signficant difference within that family.

Still, the Titan would be a much bigger departure from the sound you are getting from the Rosewood (faster, more dynamic, more open on top, but leaner sounding). I own a Titan, and have taken considerable measures to make its sound work in my system. It is VERY sensitive to VTA, it requires mating with the right phono stage, etc. And still, if someone says it is too analytical and cold sounding, I can understand the sentiment.

Outside of the Koetsu family, but, more in line with the warmer sound of the Rosewood than the Lyra Titan, I like the Orpheus. I had a friend's Orpheus in my system for about two weeks and liked its slightly warm (upper bass/lower midrange prominence) presentation. It is not as "fast" and dynamically explosive as the Titan, but, it is no slug either. The other cartridge I have heard, that is somewhat similar sounding (I heard it in a friend's system, not my own) is the Ortofon PW.

I don't know about the top end Grados. These are very warm sounding and harmonically rich (conveys the complex and full bodied sound of bowed string instruments correctly) cartridges, but, for my taste they sound too slow and muddled (somewhat like a blanket has been thrown over the speaker). I actually thought the table was running WAY slow when I heard the Statement.

Allaert makes some terrific sounding cartridges that are also soemwhat warm sounding but reasonably detailed and open on top. Some of these are VERY good, but VERY expensive. Some have really low output that can be problematic. A friend has the top of the line cartridge and it doesn't have enough gain for his Boulder phonostage -- too much noise and a dull sound. I've heard that same cartridge in a dealer system sound fantastic, so it is a matter of compatibility.

It's hard to even guess what someone else will hear, but my guess would be go with another Koetsu or the Orpheus (the Phoenix is cheaper and no slouch either).
Note these JV comments are from TAS's Editor's Choice Issue.

"Editors Choice Award - The Absolute Sound, 2008

"The Onyx Platinum may... well be the last word in integrating low level resolution, transient speed, neutrality, soundstaging, dynamic range or any other of the standard review categories into realistic musical wholes - and because it is more concerned with wholes than parts and so much more generous than analytical, it allows you to forget you're listening to a hi-fi and to concentrate on the music, making it sound good and real in a uniquely pleasing way."
- Jonathan Valin, The Absolute Sound, Issue 185, October, 2008"

You found a music presenation you like. The Onyx will give you that and possibly much more without losing what you like.