Any word on the Blue Angel "Mantis"?

Hi all! - I am trying a cartridge that raised the bar in my conception of analog reproduction, the "Mantis" is keeping me awake rediscovering my entire vinyl... but I have found not too much information on this South African jewel.

I will appreciate any word regarding this marvel and help me in my investment decision.

Thanking in advance.

Just for some interest and still on the M20FL super subject.
My Audio friend, a VERY fussy stickler to sound performance and owner of Transfiguration Orpheus-L has heard both carts in my system and conceded that the M20FL was doing A LOT of things better the his Orpheus! (I'm shocked) ---- he also agreed with my earlier statement of the M20FL bettering a Kontrapunkt-B, and being at least on a level with a Jubilee performance, possibly even slightly better.

What more to say then, that MCs are just in another -cost- but not -value- bracket?
(I do own a ~ 3.5k$ MC just to mention)
Axel - just for curiosity, would you consider selling to me your 3 5k cartridge?
(you can answer me privately if you wish).

Raul - your note left me speechless and I really can't tell where that
agressiveness came from. I enjoy the music but also my friends. I feel sorry if I
said something that disturbed you in any way and apologize in advance if that
did happen.
>> Axel - just for curiosity, would you consider selling to me your 3.5k cartridge? <<

Yes, though it will be a brand new cart as my 'old' < 1 year one has been replaced by Ortofon.
So, you could just as well buy a new Windfeld?

I guess if not sold, it will become some sort of Audio trophy..
Dear Flg2001: There is no " agressiveness " like you say there are IMHO only facts.

My advise to you before you go on other big price cartridge is that you try/test that Ortofon M20FL because IMHO till you have that experience you can understand where is the " music ". I know that you are enjoying what you have as ever in the last " 30 years " and that is good, what I'm telling you with all that " agressiveness " ( sorry for that ): is realy pushing you a little to open a new" window " at your home audio system, the MM/MI alternative is something that can/could like you or not ( after hearing it ) but worth to try it, is part IMHO of our own audio learning curve.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Thanks Axel/Raul - As I said I already bought the "Mantis" and, to my ears, it is the best analog reproduction I have had in my system.

I will defintely consider listening to MM/MI in the future since I am open to all options (I am currently listening digital thru mi iPOD (WAV files)/Wadia 170i/Reimyo DAC as well) - so you can tell how "open" I am in this regard.

I am sure there are better options out there - I have learned that system sinergy and balance is a critical factor to obtain great performance - and that does not neccesary mean to pour top dollars at each link.

I would like to thank all who privately or thru this thread shared their opinion, it all served to document my decision for the "Mantis".

