low riding Benz Micro Gold

Hello Gentlemen,

Today I noticed that my cartridge seemed to be riding a bit low. There is only about 1/16" of space between the bottom of the cartridge and the top of record. I set it up with the Mintlp tractor, and 1.9 vtf. The cartridge has probably a little over 100 hours at the most. Is this a normal part of the break in process? I use a magic eraser to clean the stylus, could I have been using too much of an upward pressure while cleaning the stylus, or could it possibly be defective?

yeah my Silver Ref also rides low. sounds great thou...
Stringreen, how do you like your 'LP'? I hear it's the BOMB! ... someday when I grow up I'm gonna get one.
Just for the record, my Ruby 3 also rides much lower than the 5 or 6 previous carts I've owned. A bit of a pain setting it up with the Mint LP but well worth it once you get it right
Dear Mike: My Ruby 2 rides almost " normal " but I'm trying a Ruby 3 ( along the Ortofon A90 and the Verito that comes from audio friends. ) and like you seems to me that rides lower than other cartrridges and its performance is very good. So this is normal for Benz Micro.

regards and enjoy the music,