Wish List For Vinyl Pressings

Vinyl is king. Lets make it bigger and better.

With the huge resurgence of vinyl pressings new, reissue, 45RPM Lp's and specialty box sets, not to mention turntable sales, we are certainly living in the great second life of the analogue vinyl Lp album. All this and the abundance of used records is wonderful.

Here's the thing, I was thinking that the industry could use a list by us of albums that would be well received if put to press. Who else but a group of AudioGoners to offer up a wish list. This helps everyone, the artist, the record industry, the record stores and us the music lovers. Everyone wins.

Please keep with a couple of simple guide lines to make this an easy read for those industry guys. This is a list of titles that have never been on vinyl or are out of print, or very, very rare items. This should be record titles, artist names, maybe even catalog numbers if the item had previously been in press. Lets keep the banter to a bare minimum, if you would. The hope is that this will be read by the right folks and we will see (and hear) all this great stuff on our favorite format.

Happy Listing & Happy Listening, as always!
Although it's already been said, I'm gonna second ( or third or fourth ) it, so the major record mojo's will know: The Beatles Mono remasters on vinyl.

I mean, is it that hard to figure this one out?

Also, Keb Mo'. Only his first album is on vinyl. A bluesman deserves to be heard on vinyl.

The Cowboy Junkies - Crescent Moon 1993

the only album of theirs not offered on vinyl to the best of my knowledge and another beautiful offering from our Canadian friends.

Happy (analogue) Listening!
MacDadtexas, I have "Heart Shaped World" on vinyl and it is indeed dear to me and hard to find.
I got mine off GEMA from a guy in Brazil for a very reasonable price,($15.00 plus shipping)but most of the Ebay prices (when it is even available) seem to start at $50.00.I don't ever pay that much for ANY LP!
Actually I am listening to it as I type this thread.Truly a wonderful recording,nice on CD but on vinyl,magical.

For the wish list: I would like to have Christy Moore on vinyl.I have 4 of his earlier ouput, but some of the later are arguably his best music, and are only on CD.
I discovered this artist while vacationing in Ireland,and while sitting in my B&B watching the telly;I flipped the channel and there was Christy and two of his mates playing the then new "This is the Day". Two days later I bought it while in Dublin. A truly beautiful song and CD.On vinyl it could be magical.(love that word)

btw I have played some of Christy's LPs to audiophile friends and they all love it.Great pressings,wonderful music.I gave one of my friends a copy of Christy's "Voyage" LP for Christmas and he has been playing it daily,while he sets up his Benz.
Emorrisiv, Look also for the UK press Chris Isaak - Wicked Game on Reprise
GEMA/BIEM 1991, it has a different play list than "Heart shaped
World" including an (instrumental) rendition of the song "Wicked
Game" and a stunning cover of the Yardbirds "Heart Full of
Soul". I think it is pretty hard to find also, yet worth it.

Has his "Forever Blue" ever been put to vinyl?

Wicked Game"" would also be an excellent candidate for reissue. Hey why not
give it the
full monty... 45RPM by Acoustic Productions?!


Happy Hunting & Listening!
R_f: Thanks, I saw "Wicked Game" and may still be able to snag it.
I have not seen "Forever Blue".
I personally own:
"Heart Shaped World"
"Chris Isaak"

I have seen "San Francisco Days" too.

The only thing wrong with those 45rpm rereleases: too Bloody Expensive !!!!
Also, I can't say that I have ever heard a reissue that was as good as the original,45rpm or not. IMHO of course.

happy Christmas
