P1,2,3: the best Rega for the job

Of the P1,P2,and P3-24, can anyone offer any thoughts other than to get the most expensive one that a person can afford? Or is there applications in which each could be the best answer? For instance, I have a Mira 3 and GMA Europas. I want to try vinyl (again - didn't fall in love with the Pro-ject or the Technics) and probably won't amass more than 30 records in the next year (no used stuff 'round these parts). I listen to stuff like Lyle Lovett, Wilco, Feist, Phish, but no classical. Could the P1 be "good enough" to let me give vinyl a chance? Is there really a reason for the P2? I'd be inclined to either save with a P1 or splurge the P3 and call it done, but maybe it represents the elusive happy medium. Or does the P3 outclass the Mira's phonostage? My current thought is to try a P1 with a glass platter and "maybe" put a 2M red on it. But that gets close to the price of a P2 with the Bias installed... which isn't that far, in audiophile dollars, from a P3. Hence my dilemna. Thanks to all for your thoughts and Merry Christmas.
Cartridges below or around $100 for RB301 tonearm.

Denon DL110 high output moving coil

Goldring 1000 series moving magnet, if you can find one in your price range.

Sumiko Pearl moving magnet

Ortofon X1-MC (discontinued - on sale <$100) high output moving coil
FWIW I have a spacer on my Rega P9 with a Shelter 90x. It sounds nice.

Don't be afraid of a spacer. I have used a few different carts on the P9 (Shelter 90x, 901 and Denon DL160) and they were all a good fit with the spacer.