Hum...ZYX with Tom Evans Groove Need suggestions

Hi all, I need help with with hum I'm getting from my ZYX Airy 3 and Tom Evans Groove combo. Never had hum issues before with a number of other phono's I've had. The hum is louder on the left side than right, and if the Groove didn't sound so good I would've gotten rid of it. Thanks in advanced.
I had the same problem with the Groove, although the sound was great. I later got rid of it and now own the Aesthetix Io Signature; which is a step up and no hum.
I bet your issue is with the power supply being too close. I had the same issue and when I moved the power supply further away the noise went away. I love the amp but hated the hum. Fixed now though. Good luck!
Thanks for all the input guys...haven't had a chance to try your suggestions due to my busy schedule.

Connorjr33, was it your amp or preamp power supply that was causing the hum?
I did get the hum resolved today!!!
Moved the amps away from the Groove, the hum remained. So I moved the preamp further away from the Groove by switching places with the CD player on the rack. The system is much quieter now...the Groove is not the most quiet of phono's I've had but it does sound fantastic.
The hum was from the preamp power supply being too close.
Thanks all!
that is great. congratulations. i wonder what generation Lithos power filtering you have in your unit. you can email tom evans with the serial number and he can tell you.