Isolation /platform for TW Raven One

the wait is killing me but i should have by Raven One soon.
While reading the different forums I would like to get to more better about the different isolation platforms Raven One owners have used for this TT ?
I personally would probably start out putting the Raven under a wooden cabinet made out of MDF.
How about you guys ? whats been the experience ?

I am sorry for the wrong tread. Its should be

Cheeers, ToffenG
Any chance anyone here have used Symposium on the Raven One?
I have used 2" solid maple and am now using 1" slate. I prefer the slate because of better dynamics and pace. By comparison the maple shelf sounded slightly muddy and was subjectively slower.

The slate sits on top of a Mapleshade Sampson rack with Mapleshade Isoblocks (cut in 1/2 thickness) between the rack and the slate. The rack sits on carpet over concrete in my basement listening room.

Jeff C. passed on a tweak to slightly unscrew the Stillpoints feet from the bottom of the table. Try this once you get your table and see if you like it.
Slate here too .. about 6cm. thick and it works very well