Record Clamp for Entry-Level Music Hall TT

I have a Music Hall MMF2.2. Stock setup except that I have a Herbie Audio mat. I'm interested in getting a record clamp. I've heard they help the sound and I have quite a few slightly warped records that I'd like to have sit more securely on the table.

Any recommendations? I know that my turntable is not threaded. Is there a weight restriction?

I would recommend the JA Michelle clamp - around $45 if memory serves. It's a lightweight reflex clamp, not a weight, and will work well to tame the warps you're talking about.
What's the difference between a clamp and weight? Will a clamp effect my ability to use my record mat?

I owned an MMF 2.1 and used the Michell clamp with great success. It's light and has has a locking collet; perfect for a low mass table like the Music Hall. Most weights would be too heavy for the MMF; the bearing isn't robust enough and the suspension couldn't handle the extra weight.

The Michell clamp should work fine with the Herbie's mat unless you got a really thick one. Michell makes a special clamp for Regas that have a shorter spindle and would probably work for a thick mat.
