Anyone using Goldring Carts?

My music hall 5.1 came factory installed with a Goldring 2200 and as a newbie, I automatically assumed that I needed to upgrade, first I tried Ortofon, then others but I keep coming back to the Goldring. My question is, even though Goldring may not be the "cool" cart to have, it sounds really resolved, full of detail, rich, articulate, and the only cartridge so far with "tunefull" bass. That being said, the only one I have not tried is Grado Prestige/Sonata. Has anyone else had this experience or can give some advise on what a resonable upgrad would be? Thanks!
Thanks for all the info guys! I'm enjoying the Goldring as we speak. Great listening to all!
I have the GX1012 and had a guy come by who had a $100K digital system and he said my stereo was the best he had ever heard in his life.. better than his by a mile.

Maybe it's an analog vs digital argument, but many have been floored by my system with MMF 5.2, Goldring and vintage tube amp.
I ran 2 goldrings 10 years ago,now have a 1042 on my economy rack upstairs.They had excellent bass but they just didn't hold my attention so I moved on.