There's a lot to be said for tubes in the system. My Luxman DA-06 runs into a tubed De Havilland Mercury 3 preamplifier and a tubed hybrid Aesthetix Atlas amplifier. Even though I'm returning the Lux for an MSB Analogue DAC, and like solid state DACs for their resolution and control, I'd never run without tubes in the system. I haven't heard the 303T. I auditioned the 306 Pro and decided against it in favor of the Lux and an Ayon CD. I'm now going to sell the CD player and run off of my Aurender S 10 music server only. It's controlled by an App on the iPad and is terrific for convenience (plays DSD, allows for playlists, updates from the internet, has 2 TB storage, allows for other drives to serve, and so on). The quality is far better than any CD player I've auditioned and I've auditioned a lot from Esoterics to the tubed players like the 306 Pro. I haven't used the Ayon CD player once since I got the Aurender S 10 in December.