Albert Porters after market panzerholz plinths

I would like to hear from anyone that has purchased a panzerholz plinth from Porter Audio or a panzerholz DIY project.
Reading through all that I could find on this subject it's obvious Mr. Porter did his home work on his design.
My question to those of you whom refurbished, replinth and rearmed some of these direct drives has it advanced analog playback for you?

My Linn Axis sits low to the ground on a very heavy solid oak coffee table ($30 used) which in turn sits on the thinly carpeted concrete foundation of my house. It plays beautifully here, the best ever. If you can provide a solid foundation like this for any good table, not sure what value a massive plinth can add.

I think a similar solid foundation is a requirement for practically using the no plinth option as Raul suggests.

A solid foundation beneath the table greatly reduces or perhaps even eliminates the need to fortify the table itself IMHO.
How about those drilling platforms on the sea searching
for oil or gas? Are those 'legs' or feets inadequate? Or
are those low torque drive mechanism?
Dear Nandric: Thank you. My first big laugh of the day!!!

regards and enjoy the music,
Dear mapman: Very good point of that " solid foundation rack/plattform ".

Now that you mentioned maybe I forgot to think on those low mass BD TTs like Linn or Oracle or Michel that have a different approach and that in a precise/right set up can " sing " too.

regards and enjoy the music,
Dear John: Attacks?, for me some one that is unaware of " something " it is an ignorant on that subject.
How do you name your ignorance, that kind of " unaware/ignorance?

Allnic?: just pathetic.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Raul- Please understand that I respect and admire your deep understanding of LP playback. But - to label Allnic as "pathetic"? A generalization such as that one damages your credibility. We all understand your passion for the hobby, and we respect it, but you should be more gracious than that. Rule number one in business: Never bad mouth the competition. Tell me why your product is better. Don't tell me the competition is "pathetic". Remember that you are a manufacturer as well as a hobbyist.

Disclaimer: Allnic dealer (and yes, I have heard Raul's phonolinestage in my system, and it sounded great)