A sub sonic filter my be needed. As for vibration control "crap", cones could be of great help. I have seen them help in the same situation. I'm not recommending spending a fortune on exotic stuff. You might want to try a set of Dayton dss4 speaker spikes from Parts-Express as feet for your TT. They are really just big brass cones. They are two piece for leveling, but I would screw them tightly together. Use 3 or 4 of them with a tiny bit of adhesive to keep them in place. Worth a try for $15.
Another thing you might consider is removing your dust cover and just placing it over the TT when not in use. The cover seems to pick up a lot of vibration.
Another thing you might consider is removing your dust cover and just placing it over the TT when not in use. The cover seems to pick up a lot of vibration.