Vinyl lovers I must be crazy

I have been in the hobby for about 40 years and it seems that I enjoyed my simple system back in the 70's more than my high end system of today. My old system consisted of a receiver (sherwood, marantz) a basic turntable (later upgraded ro a B&O) and various speakers. My current system the cables cost 5 times the entire 70's system and the rest of the gear is top notch. I am not saying the 1970's system was better but I think I enjoyed it much better than today's system. The 70's system was a all vinyl system and my current system I strictly listen to Cd's. Is that the problem listening to CD's? For you vinyl lovers what do you think? For those that made the switch back to playing records are you listening more now? Enjoying your system more? What type of vinyl dollar outlay did it cost to reach vinyl nirvana?

Any feedback would be appreicated. Thanks!
Yes, you are so right. I so hate CDs. I love all my Vinyl. You certainly need to go back to vinyl. Enjoy you music - not the format.
I have gotten some great replys. I have decided to jump back into vinyl. I will start out slow and if I enjoy the music and experience of using a TT I can upgrade later. Realizing that the vinyl system will be only as good as the weakest link with a budget around $2000 - $3000 what percentage should be allocated to the TT, phono pre & cartridge?
Bob - I went back to vinyl about 4 years ago and have not sat down on my main system and listened to a CD since. It is that big of a difference for me.

The only 3 things I don't like about it: cleaning records, flipping sides (20 or so minutes only) and not all my favorite artists are on vinyl.

Sonically there is no comparison.
I would get used table/arm for about $1500, would add $750-$1000 used phono and $500 new cartridge.
Short answer: Get a turntable!

There is such a vast disparity in the musicality between what we hear from LPs and digital (and the digital playback is not "low rent")that digital is mostly for background music and those times when one does not want to be distracted by having to flip a record.

If you really LOVE music it is THE way to go.