Dear Lew, The Dutch collectivly deny any sence for humour
to the Germans. I thought because of II WW but I learned that the more probale cause is the lost finale in 1974.
This event they will never forget nor forgive to their
neghbours. On the other hand only 8 examples of your beloved Twain are sold there...So you may be in trouble with some of them. But 'our' Daniel is a world citizen so
you will survive I hope.
to the Germans. I thought because of II WW but I learned that the more probale cause is the lost finale in 1974.
This event they will never forget nor forgive to their
neghbours. On the other hand only 8 examples of your beloved Twain are sold there...So you may be in trouble with some of them. But 'our' Daniel is a world citizen so
you will survive I hope.