Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment

Looks like Dertonarm has put his money where his mouth is and designed the ultimate universal alignment tractor.

Early days, It would be great to hear from someone who has used it and compared to Mint, Feikert etc.

Given its high price, it will need to justify its superiority against all others. It does look in another league compared to those other alignemt devices

Dear Dertonarm, The most 'variations' relate to the lead
out groove; the distance to the spindle hole. So no need
to worry about the outer groove. The math. is,alas, not my
best subject but it seems to me that depending on the mentioned distance 'many' O points should be possible. From Raul's arguments however I can deduce just 2 possible O points in relation to the 'inside part' of the record:
L. A or L. B. The simplicity of a theory is of course an
virtue but Einstein had some criptic comment about that:
'but not simpler'. Ie. one seldom see any distance mentioned except the most probable(average or?).
I own records with the distance of 10-4,5cm.to the 'hole'.
I got this result by inspeting just 10 records.So I claim
no 'scientific reaserch' but assume that others my own even
more 'extended' distances.
Some'light' for this 'dark part' would be very appreciated.
There are many truly fantastic stuff from Japan. I do own some too. What I was referring was their cheap mass market stuff with that rated 0.00000??THD as an example
Complexity is always a challenge in this world. If you decide to live in a more simple world (not a bad meaning at all) you better go for a one tonearm/one cart soltion. There is no need for changing the tires. Nevertheless if one wants to reach the capabilities of Genesis 168 being able driving a Honda as well as a Ford even on different tiers ( also feeling the difference) you may need a good garage or excellent tools.I learned that some of us, Raul too and me as well, are sitting in front of a complex world.

There might be two ways of dealing with complexity. Usually we try to reduce complexity heading for simple solutions. A side effect of this approach is also reducing cognitive dissonance - you start feeling better!

Another way is to develop solutions for different requirements and tackle various applications by using different methodologies. This is something - at least to my understanding - the Uni-Pro approach is aiming at in this special field.

In the end everyone becomes happy. The manufacturer of a gauge adressing requests of potential customers going for a simple solution as well as those multi-users or people wo really care about exact geometry in various application fields. This means: There is no need for a war - at least not in this thread...
+++++"So Ford made the first car."++++++

Ford did NOT make the first car. All Ford did was start mass production.....

All this is very interesting. Personally, I wouldn't pay that much for a protractor. And with all do respect to DT and everyone else. It doesn't really matter how precise the instrument is. Even though the more precise the better. It still comes down to a persons ability to see where the stylus sits. And their ability to physically move it in micro increments. Then, tighten everything down and not move it while doing so. Just MHO.

DT, it does appear you have designed a very nice tool.
04rdking, not a problem if you think it is not worth that coin. Some are happy with the protractor they printed out from vinyl engine. Some spend $20. Some might prefer to spend $200. So whats the problem here? What I have a problem is that there is no absolute. Raul is preaching absolutes. That s my problem. We have choices. If everything has absolutes, we will be all listening to the same system.