RCM recommendations

currently I use separate disk doctor brushes with Audio Intelligent enzyme and super cleaning fluids to scrub the LP's. I then run the LP through a Spin Clean Record Washer and dry the disks with multiple micro-fibre cloths.

I like the idea of doing the clean with a cleaner fluid then doing a distilled water rinse, then vacuum with the machine. What is the best way to go ?

Clearaudio, VPI or other ? Thank in advance.
I'll chime in for the 16.5 as well and one note on the Okki Noki after reading the recent review in Absolute Sound it doesn't sound so Okki Doki by comparision to the simplicity of the VPI.
are the more expensive VPI models like the VPI HW-17I worth the extra coin ? I guess with the 16.5 you manually scrub your records versus it being automatic with the HW-17I ?