Al, I reinstalled the Grado on my arm and then set the resistive loading to 100 ohms instead of 47k. That does ameliorate some of the problem. The character of the noise is now softer, less high frequency hash in the circuit noise. I'll have to see if I can try a proper moving coil and see if the ultimate answer is going to be a different cartridge or phono stage. I really like the character of both the Grado and the Ph1-p, but they aren't an ideal match it seems.
Raul, I definitely thought about trying an internal phono card in the Aloia, but the factory won't respond to emails and there isn't a U.S. distributor anymore to my knowledge. There have been a couple that popped up on Audiogon with the phono option, but what holds me back is my doubt that an internal phono card is going to equal the ultimate potential of a high performing stand alone phono stage.
Raul, I definitely thought about trying an internal phono card in the Aloia, but the factory won't respond to emails and there isn't a U.S. distributor anymore to my knowledge. There have been a couple that popped up on Audiogon with the phono option, but what holds me back is my doubt that an internal phono card is going to equal the ultimate potential of a high performing stand alone phono stage.