Help Classe CA300 flashing Green Light

Ok, I am no techie and on my own since my husband is traveling this week.
so tonight, I poured a glass of wine, made a fire, turned on the HT, put in a movie and.....
my Classe CA300 goes from blinking red to blinking green and never works.
It was working fine just the other day - no changes to setup.
The manual is worthless.....
any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
If I bypass the Classe and route everything through the Adcom - except that I had to swap out the Innersound ribbon center channel(I'm beta testing) for my old one - it works fine. The ADCOM couldn't handle the load with the Innersound in the chain (I also Innersound ISIS on the front) - kept overheating and I had to turn the volume down so low that why watch the movie -
I need to dig up the volt meter around here to check Bob's suggestion.
From what I understand, I would pull the digital cable out from the preamp and see if there is ANY DC coming out of the DVD player. Bob says none should be. Could that be tripping the Classe? How come it never did until now? It has been in the chain for 6 months or so.
Sorry to be such a pain, but I am trying.....
Hi Glen: ya that was insane. I use to write ads for a living, and as such, have found those skills come in handy when selling stuff on eBay that I bought on Audiogon. All in all, I made $300 on the pre and $650 on the amp. Never intended to try and make money, just wanted to break even -- but I'm not complaining. Liked the Classe, but didn't love it enough. Not in the same league as my Aranovs, except for better bass. And the pre wasn't even close to the Placette I now use.

A Theta Dreadnaught is what I really need, not being able to afford 5 Halcro monoblocks.

Angela, you are in the same boat I was, trying to use the big Classe in a complex HT /audiophile 2 channel cross? Mine didn't like the constantly changing of interconnects, switching between balanced and unbalanced, etc. Classe's tech also told me that their amps don't like some tube preamps (that's a BIG problem). All's I can say, is check out the Theta Dreadnaught, sonically as good as the Classe and not nearly as finicky. --Lorne
I know what you mean; it seems like it was just the other day that I was bidding against you on that amp.

I should have copied your add in case I ever want to sell my 301 very impressive.

For the time being I'm going to try and run a Classe CAV150 (That is a six-channel amp) Bridged for three into my fronts and center. That will give me 600x3 into my 4ohm 90db eff. Thiel speakers.

I will use my Old Faithful Adcom amp to run the rears for now. All my gear is Theta in the H/T and this is a stepping stone towards the Holy Grail (a.k.a. Dreadnaught) that will one-day power my H/T system.

Anyway before I get to far off topic, how is it going Angela, any luck yet? Hope you haven't pulled all your hair out trying to watch that movie. Speaking of which I just saw *THE MUMMY RETURNS* great action movie for surround sound. Thumbs up for all the pro H/T people at agon headed to the video store.
I think that I am just about done until my hubbie gets back.
I will try to measure the output from the DVD so that I can report in, but I have it functional-and I am getting beyond my confidence area now.
Thanks to all who have so graciously helped! I will post when we find out what the issue is and what Classe has to say.
ok, reporting in.
If I set the multimeter to measure for DC and I pull the digital cable out of the preamp (it is now coming out of the DVD player), have everything on and press play on the DVD so the bits are coming out the cable, and place both leads on the RCA plug of the digital cable- the reading is 0.00
what does that mean?