VPI Classic/Clear Audio Maestro Wood Question

I just bought a CA Maestro Wood cartridge from an A'gon member. Per the seller, the cartridge is practically brand new and hasn't even broken in yet. The seller has great feedback and I found him to be very reliable.

I mounted the Maestro Wood myself, being careful to double check alignment, azimuth, VTF and VTA. My turntable is a VPI Classic, with the stock JMW 10.5iSE arm. As far as I can tell, the turntable and arm are in good working order. As regards azimuth, I adjusted it with both the little aluminum rod provided by VPI AND with a bubble balance. Azimuth is perfect. Ditto VTA. Oh, per VPI's suggestion, I am NOT using anti-skating force AND made sure the tone arm wire is not twisted.

After all mounting procedures were performed and double checked, I "eye-balled" the cartridge and cantilever alignment while playing a record. I noticed that as best I could tell, it seemed as though the cantilever was pulling slightly inward towards the spindle, maybe 10+ degrees. Same thing with the cartridge just sitting on a record with the platter not turning. However, when I lifted the arm, the cantilever seemed to hang straight down. Sound imaging is spot center in play mode. Ordinarily, I would have thought the cantilever was pulling slightly inward towards the spindle because of excessive anti-skating force, but as stated above, I am NOT using the anti-skating set-up.

Ok -- the question: Is it normal for the Maestro Wood cantilver to pull slightly inward towards the spindle under the circumstances described above?

One more question: I also own a CA Virtuoso Wood which needs a new stylus and cantilever. Does anyone know who the Clear Audio contact is that does the re-tips?

Thanks for the advice.
I'm certainly far from being the "house expert" here when it comes to cartridges, particularly the Clearaudio, which I've never owned, nor have I ever owned a Table with a VPI Arm on board.

But, when you say you "eyeballed" the cartridge, and cantilever alignment, this of course leaves lots of room for mis-interpretation by others.

Perhaps then, you might wish to further elaborate as to your alignment methods, what tool-tools you used?

I would assume if you're noting a cocked cantilever while in play, that perhaps at no point on the record is your cantilever-stylus properly aligned (azimuth angle) to the groove.

From the sound of it, you're possibly under an assumption that the seller somehow perhaps mis-represented what he sold you, that you're having some doubts about the hours of play, and/or the integrity of cantilever-suspension being possibly damaged from whatever possible mishap?

There may be the possibility that you may indeed have to implement some slight bit of anti-skating force, then try again, and see what the results are?

I'm of the camp that believes that absolutely no anti-skate force applied is going to necessarily be the best choice per any given application. Mark
I meant to say that at no point is "Zenith Angle" correct, not Azimuth, sorry. Mark
Mark, as I mentioned in the OP, I used both VPI's very thin aluminum bar that fits on top of the tone arm head to set azimuth. I checked the results by putting a bubble level on the top of the tone arm head. Azimuth should be fine. I used a VPI balance to set VTF and checked the results twice. I adjusted stylus overhang and offset angle using a Dennison protractor (based on Baerwold geometry) and checked my results twice. I think that's it.

And btw, I did NOT intend to imply that the seller misrepresented anything about the cartridge, including hours of use or the integrity of the cantilever. To the contrary, the seller has impeccable feedback and was a great communicator with me.

Thanks for the suggestions.