"With all due respect, since when has venue ever been the measure of an artist's genius? Why in the world would playing in a concert hall ever make an artist a lesser giant than playing in a club? Were any of the classical piano virtuosos club players? Venue is a totally irrelevant measure to use in this respect. IMO."
You missed my point. Playing concerts does not make you a lesser player, BUT, all the greats did play clubs, esp in the early stages of their career. It's how they developed as players. The interaction with many other players and the imprompto jam sessions. The atmosphere!! MJQ is a possible exception, but they were trying to take Jazz in a direction Jazz was not ready to go. As an example, there are a lot of 'so-called' BLUES players that have never seen the inside of a Mississippi Delta Juke Joint!!!
Can't get the essence of the blues playing in london.
So, brubeck was ok. He didn't grate on my nerves/ears, BUT, he didn't move me either. Good background music that is very good to demonstrate high-end stereo systems. Just as an aside, I purchased most of my LPs / CDs after reading reviews by professional reviewers. Esp in my early days before I developed my own prefernces. Out of 700+ Jazz CDS, I own one Brubeck CD. TIME OUT. Tells me the pros didn't like him that much either.
Wanna hear real Jazz?? Listening to Louis Armstrong's 'Ambassador Satch' as I type. BTW, he used to play houses of ill repute! :) Essence of Jazz!!!! :)
You missed my point. Playing concerts does not make you a lesser player, BUT, all the greats did play clubs, esp in the early stages of their career. It's how they developed as players. The interaction with many other players and the imprompto jam sessions. The atmosphere!! MJQ is a possible exception, but they were trying to take Jazz in a direction Jazz was not ready to go. As an example, there are a lot of 'so-called' BLUES players that have never seen the inside of a Mississippi Delta Juke Joint!!!
Can't get the essence of the blues playing in london.
So, brubeck was ok. He didn't grate on my nerves/ears, BUT, he didn't move me either. Good background music that is very good to demonstrate high-end stereo systems. Just as an aside, I purchased most of my LPs / CDs after reading reviews by professional reviewers. Esp in my early days before I developed my own prefernces. Out of 700+ Jazz CDS, I own one Brubeck CD. TIME OUT. Tells me the pros didn't like him that much either.
Wanna hear real Jazz?? Listening to Louis Armstrong's 'Ambassador Satch' as I type. BTW, he used to play houses of ill repute! :) Essence of Jazz!!!! :)