'your astute knowledge of jazz'
hahahah far from it. I have very limited knoiwledge. I just find the music and the players, esp the players, to be very interesting. And in this day, the music has to be defended against the crowd who feels that anyone, can make any sort of noise, and call it Jazz, and get away with it. I can't stop it, but I can call them on it when I see it.
Today's play list was: (1) MJQ Complete Prestige & Pablo Recordings 4CD box set.
(2) Cannonball with Milt Jackson -- Things are getting better. This is the lineup; Adderley, Jackson, Wynton Kelly, Percy Heath and Art Blakey. All are stars in their own right, All listed in the fine print on the back of the CD. Only in Jazz!! I don't have anything with Timmons as leader. I am sure he is on someone's record in my collection.