opinions on favorite cartridge

I have a number of cartridges to use, so much so that choosing between them has become somewhat difficult. I know, I know, many would wish they had that problem. But when you have a number of very decent cartridges, the differences are very minor. This is what I have,

Monster Alpha 2
Monster Genesis 1000 with Soundsmith ruby cantilever
Madrigal Carnegie One with Soundsmith ruby cantilever
GAS Sleeping Beauty
Benz Micro Glider II
Accuphase AC-1 with soundsmith ruby cantilever
Sumiko Talisman S with Soundsmith ruby cantilever
Dynavector 23rs
Dynavector 17d2
Dynavector 23r
Ortofon 2M Black
Clearaudio Aurum Beta Wood
Coral 777 EX
Sumiko Evo III

For any of you that have heard these cartridges, do you have a favorite and why. Each of these has an area that they excel at, and I currently am using the Monster Genesis and Benz Micro Glider II on my two main tables. Both are being used with SME 309 or 345 arms into either a PS Audio GCPH or SimAudio LP5.3 on an Oracle Delphi Mk IV or Transrotor Fat Boy

Any thoughts
You're bound to receive a very wide range of responses
in analog in particular synergy is everything, so what dazzles one of us may well be a pure anxiety listening experience for you with your system in your listening room.

I like to dig around in the Vinyl Asylum Archive to get a range of opinions and from looking at the individuals systems and knowing their relative experience and at times listening tastes I can get a good generalized assessment of a cartridges relative virtues and vices.
But the just going with what the majority likes you might as well
get out the dart board.
Manitunic, The PS Audio is a good contender at its $1000 price, and has quite a bit of flexibility with its options, but there are much better sounding phono stages out there.

I owned the GCPH and borrowed a ASR Mini Basis Exclusive to compare with, and it was night and day - a significantly bigger difference than when I compared a couple $300 -$500 carts to some $1500 - $2000 carts. So at the ~$2900 I would recommend looking into that.

I'm sure the full ASR Basis stage is better, but much more expensive.

Another stage that I haven't personally heard but people seem to like is the Ayre.

I'm sure Aesthetix is quite good too - I haven't heard them though.

Maybe bring a couple home to compare?


The problem is that I have no opportunity to hear these products either in my system or anywhere else unless I just buy them and then try to sell if I dont like it. At $3000 a pop or more, that's not something I am likely to do unless I am convinced of a products superiority or bang for the buck.

Have you heard any of the modifications to the GCPH and how would you compare it to the Simaudio LP5.3?

Where do you think the price line is for diminshing returns for a cartridge. Is a $3000 cartridge appreciably better than a $1500 one?
Sounds more like you just have a lot of stuff and want to parade it in front of those who don't. If you were a serious listener, you would be telling us the ins and outs of each cart and providing us with valuable info. Not asking "Which of my fancy baubles should I wear today? They all look so good. What do you think?"

If indeed you are serious, then you should get down to work, find out the differences between each cart in terms of sound and performance based on your own experience, and let us know so we can learn from your trials.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Is it really that difficult to just answer the question posed, or is it just necessary to comment negatively because you can.