CD's vs Vinyl - Finally hear the difference

About 2 years ago, I decided to get back into vinyl. I had some old albums I wanted to play, so I blew the dust off my 35 year old TT and fired that mutha up. It took me about 13 months to get my accousic vibration problem licked and to put together some decent analog euipment-some new, some used. Anyway, I started listening to ONLY vinyl. I was surprised how well my albums had been preserved and how well the new ones I purchased sounded. I had read the vinyl purist's comments about how much better records sounded than CD's, but I must admit-I was doubtful. I had put together a fairly good Digital system with a tubed Kora Hermes II DAC. Anyway, I had a friend over the other day and for the first time in almost a year, I put on a CD. I have to say-there is absolutely no comparison how much better vinyl sounds than CD's. CD's sound as though they were recorded in an anechoic chamber. There is no ambience, no warmth, no soul. The music is accurate, but it isn't alive. You simply have to hear it to understand. All the years I wasted listening to CD's! I guess they have their place if you're on the go in cars, boats etc, but if you are wanting to really listen to good quality recorded music, there is only one choice.
For serious listening - Nothing can match vinyl.
I listen to music 8-10 hours a day.
While on my computer it's CD's in the background for 6-8 hours as I don't have to get up every 15 minutes & flip & clean the LP.
Then when I done with my work, the magic begins for 2-3 hours (Vinyl Rules!) until my wife calls me for dinner.
Then back to the man cave for another hour or so to listen to 2 more LP's.
I must admit that I am a tad biased - being a vinyl junkie for close to 50 years (pre CD, pre 8 track, pre cassette & digital tape).
BTW - I am also of the opition that many of my reel to reel tapes sound much better than CD & sometimes even vinyl.
That's my story & I'm sticking to it!
Paladin said;

For serious listening - Nothing can match vinyl."

I fully agree, anyone that disagrees with such just hasn't heard a proper vinyl set-up.
Best way to enjoy digital; Don't listen to analog.

That about says it.
And it's what I do. Man I do enjoy my digital.
"(RBCD) does not do the various things as well as good vinyl, but it does them competently.....and you don't feel 'soiled' when listening to redbook"

I've arrived psychologically at a similar place as Mike L. on this point. The things that used to be bothersome about RBCD have been banished, and what's left is a small and forgiveable loss of detail. In addition, at a sufficiently high level of performance the few things that RBCD does better than vinyl-- silent background and channel separation-- stand out and complicate debate on the superiority of the two formats at current SOTA. These days RBCD is definitely better than "background music."
As usual another thread geating off topic, all one has to do is read the OP's main thread.

This is not another debate about formats but the OP's take and sharing such with us.

We all have opinions which are okay but some comments made above are just so funny and only demonstate lack of .....