Tonearm Choice:SME or Rega?

I am refurbishing a Garrard 301 greased bearing TT but haven't decided on which tonearm to use. I like the classic beauty and design of the SME 3009 and all of the upgrades and options available, but I also have my eye on the Rega RB300. My current cartridge is a Grado Statement Sonata1, but I'll probably put something else on the Garrard when it's done, possibly a Denon 103 or other MC. I can be patient as I haven't built a new plinth yet, but I would like to have the tonearm in hand when I do. Words of advice from anyone with experience in these matters would be greatly appreciated, as well as other tonearm suggestions. So far, the 3009 is at the top of my list, so my budget is under $1000.
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OK, I understand.

I've considered the Denon as well, but the added expense of a suitable phono preamp, plus a synergistic arm, always makes me reconsider.

My 3009 non-improved (12.5g) works quite well with a Grado Prestige (Silver), but so did a Thorens TP13 once I got it dialed in.

Your Grado is 1.5g heavier than the Silver, which should not be a problem considering the amount of adjustment left on my counter weight.

If you wan't to squeeze more peformance from an old SME better factor in another $200+ for a rewire and rubber replacment.

I researched some of the best (IMO) vintage arms I would use -w- a 301 and they have gone up considerably in price over that past 3-4 years (way over $1K now).
Rega arms do not have the best bearings. They are relatively soft SME has knife edge bearings...a better choice.
The Rega RB300 is a terrific value and an excellent arm; I have had over 25 years of flawless perfomance from one I use with an AR-ES1. It has two downsides you need to be aware of (1) it does not have VTA adjustment and you have to use spacers to get the correct height (2) The tone arm wire and connector are basic quality and you will get improved performance by replacing them.
The arm must be chosen with the cartridge you are going to use in mind.The rega is good but modified by origin live it becomes a great arm. I used one on a lenco. A great add is the vtaf of Pete Riggle,it adds air and details and the result is amazing.