VPI 10.5i - Which armwands do I own?


I do have 2 different VPI JMW 10.5i armwands.

apart from the different weight- 430 grams and 486 grams (without counter weights)- there are some additional differences which can be seen in the picture shown here:

Pse help me to identify which armwands I have!!

Thanks vm in advance

Mike told me that they make SEVEN different counterweights for these arms. Check yours. The bottom one must have a heavier counterweight than the top one. I have three 10.5i arm tubes, all different, two with 115g counterweights and one with 140g. I really can't imagine why the bottom arm tube has an immovable azimuth ring. What would be the point, if it can't be used to adjust azimuth?
You should use the off center rear counterweight to adjust azimuth. When adjusting, the bottom of the weight should be moved to the higher side.
Well sure, Stringreen, but that means every time you adjust VTF you have to RE-adjust azimuth .. and then readjust VTF ... etc. Much simpler to use the azimuth ring in the first place.
Get the Soundsmith Counter Intuitive. It's the best $50 you can spend on the VPI and makes setting up VTF and VTA a snap instead of pulling one's hair out.