Snapped off my cantilever

Someone in my house snapped the cantilever off my Clearaudio Stradivari. I am so upset, it had about 200 hours on it and it sounded just wonderful. I think I am going to purchase another one if I can, but I am open to suggestions. Here is my system. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Audiomat Recital
Clearaudio Avantgarde TT with carbon satisfy arm
ASR Basis exclusive phono pre
Wilson Watt Puppy 6
AZ Absolute interconnects and speaker cable.
I don't know what to say.. that totally sucks..
Can it be rebuilt? Can you talk to your dealer about options and maybe he can give you a trade-in deal?
Just curious
it're not alone--believe me. I've sent my carts with snapped off cants Soundsmith. You can expect a couple months wait for repair but it's worth it.
Lovely system! Very sorry to hear of the accident.

Soundsmith will do a great job on your cart, but you will have to be patient. Do you have a backup cartridge?
Thanks for the info and ideas about Soundsmith. I think that sounds like the way to go. I guess I will purchase a less expensive cart while mine is being fixed. Can't hurt to have a back up. Thanks

contact your dealer or the US Distributor Musical Surroundings. I bet Clearaudio will service it. If they don't let us all know. That would certainly be a show stopper for me to entertain hi-end clearaudio carts if they are unwilling to service their carts in the event of accidental breakage.