The greatest MM and MI cartridges ....

.... survived the test of time with flying colors.

Would like to know your mind about what MM and MI cartridges did really survive in our memory and were able to hold their sonic standard against all fashions.
I have no list but an image of my humidor... containing my favourite MIs and MMs.

best @ fun only
Yes, Acman3 yet one must approach the quest for ancient MM/MI with a caveat as locating the cartridge is just half of the fun. In some instances the stylus may be unobtainium and this brings us to perhaps the start of a new thread with a much needed list of current present day desireable MM/MI that are currently available, yet destined to become survivors and give the Pied Piper high priced LOMC a run for their money right of off the end of the abyss.
Hi Tubed1, You are right. 'just half of the fun' is, alas,
not a 'suficient condition' to stay away from the carts
for which any resonable chance to get the (original) stylus
is so tiny. I am waiting for the stylus for my AKG P 8 ES and Stanton 881S longer than two years. Are we too greedy perheps? Or, simply put, irrational?

Greedy no way! "greed is good" to some extent? Irrational, maybe we all are all in some way a little bit of that and a lot of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Agreed, two years is too long. I know this waaaay off topic however I'm curious Nandric as to your source for a stylus for the 881S as it is my current "house" cartridge and I am on the brink of placing an order with LP Gear for their version of the shibata for this unit. It saddens me at $ 167.00, I just know it just won't be the same but hey it's allegedly in stock, new, a japanese shibata and sources for the real deal STANTON stylus dried up many moons ago!