Hello Mike60, I got back into vinyl a few years back after a 20 year hiatus. I had saved my 2000 records from my past. It was the best move I made in my audio experience. For some reason, for me, the connection to the music is much better.
How are you listening to digital? What equipment are you using for comparison?
If you want a good plug and play unit it your price range I would look at the Well Tempered Amadeus mentioned above. Mount the cartridge of your choice and drop the needle. I have never heard anyone criticize its sound. There are many good choices in turntables at that price but you have to have that love of tweaking to get it right. To me its fun, to others a pain.
How are you listening to digital? What equipment are you using for comparison?
If you want a good plug and play unit it your price range I would look at the Well Tempered Amadeus mentioned above. Mount the cartridge of your choice and drop the needle. I have never heard anyone criticize its sound. There are many good choices in turntables at that price but you have to have that love of tweaking to get it right. To me its fun, to others a pain.