Using a DD table as motor to drive another table

I have an old Denon DP-52F turntable. After reading the thread about turntable speed, I have a newfound respect for accurate and consistent speed.

It occurs to me that I could modify my old DD Denon to drive the platter of my SME 10 table via a thread drive. I have to get out the old table to see if it has variable/adjustable speed, but could this idea work?

I could just listen to the Denon and compare it to the SME, but the cartridge, arm and wiring are all different. The SME should be the superior table in most ways, but the direct drive of the Denon has me intrigued. Has anyone tried something similar? What are the issues involved and how should I get started? If the two platters have the same diameter, the speed should be close, hence the importance of variable speed on the Denon for any minor speed adjustments. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My previous post was intended to say "VHS is the only interface I tried so I CANNOT vouch for others."

Fat fingers. :-)

Rube Goldberg rides again! As Harv says it will still be belt drive and the SME has a very good belt drive already. I have seen this done but usually using a much more massive belt driven platter as a flywheel to drive a second platter by a second belt. Too much trouble for me but if you feel like it try it.
Check out the system of Audiogon member: Pedrillo (Modified dual-drive turntable for source)