where to put rack

should i put my rack inbetween & behind speakers ,inbetween the speakers or inbetween & in front of the speakers.interconnect cables are not long so these are my only choises..
you mean behind the speakers,,unfortunatly my rack is 4 feet high & my suspentionless T/T sits on the top shelf.
I don't know much flexibility you have in terms of positioning the rack. But if you have a TT then you definitely want to look for the bass null. You can walk around the room while playing bass heavy music and try to find the spot at the TT height where the bass disappears.
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what kind of feet are on the rack? Suggestion: Buy those furniture mover pads (foam on upper side and smooth plastic bases) and put under the feet while testing it out. It'll slide around really easily for you. THen it should only take you 1/2 of Saturday :-}