How do I install my cartridge?

I recently bought a Denon DL-110 and a used Denon DP-300F that didn't come with a cartridge. I have no idea where to install the cartridge, and how to do it. The cartridge isn't coming out of the glass "thing" it's attached to....and I don't have a screwdriver. Do I need one?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm just new at this, haha.
The most frequent accidents in installing a cartridge is tearing off the clip on the end of the arm wire. This is because people try to put the clip onto the installed cartridge pin with a pair of slips, and off comes the clip. I have found that it will not happen if you wire the cartridge BEFORE installing it in the arm. Push the cartridge pins on to the proper colored wires by holding the cartridge in your left hand and pusing the cartridge pins on to the wires and then attaching the cartridge to the headshell. Zei Gazundt.
vewy, vewy carefully.

No screwdriver? To really do it right, you also need an alignment gauge, a cartridge scale, and a Fozgometer. That is almost $450 worth of stuff, although someone with lots of experience may be able to do it with less. The bare minimum would be a DB Systems protractor and a Shure mechanical scale (about $80, together.) In your case, there is no doubt that you should find someone to do it for you who has the tools and knowledge.

The glass thing is there to protect the cantilever from you. It should pull off easily, but you have to pull in the right direction.
Might be a stupid question, but is there a website that I can ship my equipment to and pay them around 30 dollars to have them install and align my cartridge and ship it back?
read this an do it yourself. You will have a much better analog experience learning how to do it yourself versus someone else installing.